Sunday, September 17, 2023

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a member of the Aloeaceae family and is referred to as "pokok daun lidah buaya" within the Malay community. Throughout history, it has been employed for cleansing hair, cosmetic applications, and its purgative characteristics. Additionally, it has been employed to treat burns and insect bites. Nevertheless, it is not advisable for pregnant women or individuals dealing with digestive problems.

Aloe, a well-liked plant found in many households, boasts a diverse past as a multipurpose traditional remedy. It yields two primary substances: gel and latex. Aloe vera gel, derived from the inner leaf pulp, is a translucent, gelatinous material containing carbohydrate polymers like glucomannans or pectic acid, coupled with a variety of organic and inorganic compounds.

Aloe latex, recognized as "aloe juice," is a bitter yellow fluid extracted from the pericyclic tubules located beneath the external leaf skin.
Aloe Vera

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