Sunday, June 14, 2015

Green Queen of Pattani

Pattani was a prosperous kingdom because of international trade. After the death of Sultan Bahadur in 1584 his daughters Raj Hijau, Raja Biru, Raja Purple and Raja Yellow became successive princess.

The Green Queen (Ratu Hijau) reigned as the sovereign queen of the State of Pattani from 1584 to 1616.

The Green Queen was quite well known in the Chancelleries of Europe Ayudhya and Japan. She brought peace and great prosperity to Pattani, promoting agriculture and building dams and canals.

The king of Japan sent envoys asking for permission to have trade and commercial relations with sultanate of Pattani, Green Queen granted the request in 1592.

In 1603, King Naresuan, the great emperor of Ayudhya launched first Siamese attack against Pattani. Pattani was supported both materially and morally by foreigners who were in Pattani then, specially the Portuguese and Dutch.

Hendrik Jansen, a Dutch merchant who was in Pattani reported that Green Queen, died in 28 August 1616 after she had rule Pattani for 32 years.
Green Queen of Pattani

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