The Samudera-Pasai polity came into existence due to its access to northern Sumatra’s pepper production and its strategic position in the Straits of Malacca, adjacent the major international sea route between India and China.
In 1282, the Hindu Malay ruler of Samudera in Sumatra had Muslim advisors. The Kingdom of Samudera-Pasai was among the first to embrace Islam at the end of the thirteen century.
Marco Polo reported that in 1292 there was a Muslim community in Pasai. According to Sejarah Melayu and Hikayat Raja-Raja Pasai, the glory of Pasai began with conversion of Merah Silu to Islam. Merah Silu attracted followers because of his sudden richness.
He was renamed Sultan Malik us Saleh and passed away in 1297.
This small state was a center of religious training. In 1345 – 46, Ibnu Battuta, on his world tour of Muslim community, mentioned that the high quality of theological discussion held frequently at the palace by Sultan’s learned theologians some of whom came from Persia.
During 1360s, Pasai was conquest by Majapahit. Under new rulership, Pasai becomes a major commercial center of the Strait of Malacca.
Pasai had been overshad0wed in the fifteenth century by Malacca but still maintain an important role in trade to Bengal and to a lesser extent Coromandel.
Pasai port later was captured by the founder of Aceh Empire; Sultan of Aceh Ali Mughayat Syah. It is the major step of Acehnese expansion.
Samudera-Pasai Empire
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